Friday, November 30, 2007

The Beach in November

I have lots of reasons as to why I love living by the ocean here in Valparaiso. For one, it is a great way to orient yourself. It's really hard to get lost when you know that over there, where there are no buildings, is the ocean if you are trying to orient yourself in Valparaiso or Vina del Mar. You basically can't get lost for long. I also liked it because it was a beautiful escape from city life if you needed it. Sitting on the beach, watching the waves crash is a great way to take a break, even if it is cold out. Walking by the ocean everyday is a wonderful thing and gives me a wonderful feeling.

But now that it is 75 degrees and sunny almost every day here in Valparaiso, and it is 45 degrees and rainy and windy (I hope, it makes my illusion better) back in Washington and Baltimore, I love living here even more. Now that I am officially done with classes, I have had time to go to the beach everyday and lie out in the sun and work on my tan. Which, is relative seeing as I hardly ever get very tan. But, I am still working on getting some color and coming back to a cold Baltimore with a summery glow.

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