Sunday, January 6, 2008

A switch has got to flip...

I have about two and a half days before I am on my way again after a three week sojourn in the U.S., and only about a week and a half of it being at home; the other part of it being in the Grand Canyon and Arizona. (For more details about the Grand Canyon trip, you can see my pictures here or check out my Mom and Dad's blog.)

On Tuesday, I head out from Dulles Airport with the final destination being Berlin, Germany, where I will be spending the next four months studying at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, with the FU BEST Program and two months after that doing something that I haven't figure out what it is yet.

Although I have been to Germany before, know where I am living, know what family I am staying with, and know what classes I will be taking, part of me feels much more unprepared for this experience than I was for Chile. But, I think that this is really just a hindsight observation, when I really think about it, since coming to Chile I didn't know what the plan was for orientation or our time in Santiago or even when we were getting to Valparaiso. In that sense, perhaps I do know more than I think I do.

The other fact is, that I feel like I haven't really had enough time at home. I've been running from one thing to another, trying to recap the last six months, while having all the holidays, seeing friends, and trying to prepare for the next semester. Perhaps it would have been a little bit better to have just a little more time at home, but now I have to flip the switch and get into a new mindset for a new place and a new experience!

1 comment:

PeteJustHappened said...

hey there! glad to see you're in Germany! We'll figure out travel plans soon, but I want to head to Stockholm Sweden and St. Petersburg Russia in February ... can you make it?