Wednesday, July 18, 2007

No Day But Today!

I made it! After a two hour delay in Baltimore, not getting my vegetarian food on the plane, and meeting other girls in my program, I am here at the hostel in Santiago.

Getting out of Baltimore was tough before of severe weather in Atlanta that grounded lots of planes. When it was clear, they let the planes from Dulles Airport go before we could take off. I was glad I had that three hour layover in Atlanta and that I had even left day early.

In Atlanta, I met up with Leslie, who I had been in email contact with before I left. She tipped me off to a hostel in the center of the city that only costs $12/night and had an airport pickup for what was supposed to be about $8 but ended up being about $10. I will be here one night before going to the hotel and meeting our other program members and starting a tour of Santiago.

In about two hours we'll meet up with the other two girls, who are staying at the hotel and wander around Santiago for a bit I guess. I also hope to go running in the park (which the girl working at the hostel told me was safe....).

More to come!!

1 comment:

Kerstin said...

Jättefint att allt gick bra. Vi har det också bra. Pappa ska åka över till Virginia och träffa farfar. De har gravvaka (?) mellan 2-4 idag och sen begravning imorgon. Må så gott och håll oss informerade.

Kram mamma