Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wonderful Pictures

(sand dunes of ConCon)

(it was quite cold because of the wind)

(the ocean...)

(I plan to buy this house one day)

(the band and the dancers)

(traditional dances at the International Students fiesta... that is a bottle of water on her head...)

(ISA group on the boat ride through the harbor)

(Valparaiso from the boat trip)

(a crane lifting huge containers into the boat)

(view of Valparaiso's port)

(this acensor, or Funicular Railway is one of the oldest ones, dating back to the beginning of the 20th century)

(View from the acensor on Cerro Alegre)


Ben G said...

YES! I finally caught up with your blog! ...now to update my own...
Everything you're doing sounds amazing, I'm anxious to read more!

Kerstin said...

FAntastic pictures. Dad took some amazing pictures from our hike along the Mosel. We will send you some.
Love mom and dad