Sunday, October 14, 2007


It is pretty commonly known that futbol, or soccer, is much more popular in other places in the world than it is the United States, and that it is very popular in Latin America. To know this fact is one thing, to experience it is quite another.

While I am thinking about the Rugby World Cup, my first one since starting to play rugby and an event that only happens ever four years, the Chileans were totally pumped today to see Chile play Argentina for qualifiers for the World Cup in soccer.

Walking down the street in Vina, all the TVs in shops and kiosks were showing the game, as well as a huge screen that had just been set up in a plaza. If someone wasn't watching the game, they would probably have been considered a little crazy.

In the end, Chile lost to Argentina 2-0. I'm not sure of what implications this has for the team and their chances at going to the World Cup, but Giorgio made it clear what he thought the implications of this loss were for the Chilean people. He stated, in all seriousness, "Si ganamos en futbol, hay un mejor eficiencia en el trabajo" [If we win in soccer, there is a better efficiency in the workplace]. After what sporting event would the people of the United States be more efficient in the workplace?

1 comment:

Donny said...

to answer your question posed at the end of the post: although it doesn't happen at a national level, because our country is so large, i think at smaller levels this happens. especially at high schools or universities, where a major sports team loss i think definitely would affect the overall spirit of the school, and grades and class participation may drop. i always felt that it was like that for me after a Wolfpack loss. if we won, i'd be in good spirits and would be excited about being on campus, but after a loss, i lost a bit of my motivation to complete assignments.
on a larger scale, i am quite sure the economy of Wisconsin depends on the success of the Green Bay Packers. so after last night's loss to the NY Giants, i expect to see a drop in the Wisco economy.