Monday, October 22, 2007

I like blogging...

When I started this blog, I wasn't sure if I was going to keep up with it while so much was going on. But luckily, I have, and I really enjoy writing and sharing my experiences, even if I don't always know who I'm sharing them with!

I like blogging so much, that I've decided to start a second one. You may think I am crazy... and you may be right. The other blog I am starting is simply to record recipes that I have been learning/ making while abroad. I am learning recipes of traditional chilean dishes (like empanadas and pebre), sharing some classic recipes from home with my housemates by making them treats (like cookies, kanelbullar, and chocolate balls), and am experimenting with new things (like soy products). All of these things I just want to write down, record and share with anyone else who is interested.

Check it out!

1 comment:

Donny said...

excellent, cuz I tell you what, reading about all those empanadas was making me very hungry for one. and all that delicious cheesiness in the foods. mmmm. things i miss here heh