Tuesday, October 2, 2007


On Monday I went to my second salsa lesson at St. Maria, the University that is about three blocks from my house.

I'm not sure if it is an official organization or school-sponsored event, but every Monday and Wednesday at about 7, or whenever they feel like getting set up and started, students put on a salsa lesson for eager students.

The lessons are interesting and different. For one, they are run by students so they can do completely ridiculous things to lighten the atmosphere and its fine. Although the lessons are serious, they are not monotonous and boring. Teaching us that "azucar" is a movement 'closer' to your partner is just one example... The other thing that fascinates me is that there are always more guys than girls at the lessons. One factor could be that St. Maria has more male students than female, and so more males come, but this still seems strange. And, most of the male students seem to know what they are doing, or at least know more than me. On top of that, most of the female students that show up are exchange students, most likely from La Catolica, where I am studying. But I can't complain - I don't have the fear of having to be the wall flower that sits out of the partner-dancing.

Having these lessons and various places that also have salsa dancing and lessons is giving me a great opportunity to learn! With so many resources, I should come back dancing salsa like a pro! If only I was more coordinated...

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